Should I use WordPress to build a website in 2022?

In 2022, WordPress is definitely something to learn. WordPress is in fact, more popular than ever! By the beginning of 2022, almost 40% of all websites on the internet will be powered by WordPress. Moreover, it has increased 5% from this time last year.

Should I use WordPress to build a website in 2022

Due to its extensive feature set, WordPress powers the websites of many leading companies, including Time Magazine, Facebook, The New Yorker, Sony, Disney, Target, The New York Times, and others.

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Does creating a website with WordPress sound right?

WordPress is a well-liked website creation program. This enables you to design any website you can imagine. You have total control over the appearance and functioning of your website. Thanks to its extraordinary flexibility. But, to set up, use, and manage WordPress, you must be a professional programmer.

Let's examine the reasons WordPress is the best platform for creating websites

WordPress is free:

WordPress is free software. It implies that you are free to download, set up, use, and alter it as necessary to suit your needs. It may be used to build any website.

Create WordPress website in 2022

The WordPress software is free, but you need a domain name and web hosting to install it. A domain name gives your website's online address. To reach your website, your users type this into the address bar of their browsers. The place where all of your website's files are kept is called web hosting. You can also do it yourself by following our step-by-step guide on how to install WordPress.

WordPress Is Easy to Use:

WordPress is the most adaptable and potent platform. But, it's also very user-friendly for newbies that wants to learn on how to create a website from scratch.

Create WordPress website in 2022

It has a straightforward interface with a sidebar listing the various menu options. You can make articles and pages, and alter the appearance of your website. This includes navigation menus and does much more. Absolute beginners can easily and without technical difficulties maintain their websites with WordPress.

The updates come first. WordPress publishes core updates regularly, which you can install with a single click. The same holds true for WordPress plugins and themes, each of which publishes its own updates. There are fantastic WordPress backup plugins available for backups (many of them are free). You may use them to set up automatic backups and save your data on a remote server using services like Dropbox or Google Drive.

Security is the final component. You can increase the security of your website with some fundamental WordPress security best practices.

WordPress Is Completely Customizable:

The majority of WordPress users lack programming and web design skills. In actuality, the majority of users begin using WordPress with no prior web design experience.

WordPress is the ideal choice for non-techies because it offers thousands of free website layouts (themes) to select from. Whether it's a blog, a commercial website, or an online store, there is a perfect WordPress theme. Because many WordPress themes include their own options panel, you may alter the theme's colors, upload your logo, modify the background, make lovely slides, and otherwise fully personalize it to your needs without having to write any code. Some WordPress plugins allow you to change your website into an entirely different platform in addition to offering more capabilities. It can be daunting to choose among thousands of plugins.

However, there are a few essential WordPress plugins that we suggest for any website:

  • A plugin with a contact form so your visitors can contact you
  • An analytics plugin that allows you to track your website's traffic
  • A plugin for search engine optimization to increase Google traffic.

Depending on the website you're building, you'll need to select additional plugins.

WordPress Is SEO Friendly:

Even the most successful website will fail if it doesn't receive any traffic or visitors. Fortunately, WordPress was created in mind with traffic from search engines. Good SEO will enable your site to appear in SERP, increasing the organic traffic.

WordPress Is SEO Friendly

WordPress is written using high-quality code with semantic markup. This means that Google and other search engines adore WordPress in non-geek terms. This explains why WordPress pages typically score higher in search results than other websites.Plus WordPress optimized hosting solution help in the efforts of high ranking.

WordPress Is Safe and Secure:

WordPress is a very safe and secure platform to run a website because it is created with security in mind. However, you can still do many things to further protect your website against malware, hackers, and other threats. You can check for WordPress security vulnerabilities and how to fix them.

WordPress Is Here to Stay:

Website builders change with time. Even the most substantial ones could vanish. On the other hand, open-source software has a significantly higher likelihood of lasting a very long time.

That's because it's open-source software, which means that more than one person or organization maintains it. Even if WordPress vanishes, anyone can easily fork its code and quickly launch it under a different name.

WordPress does not have a CEO, which is one of its lesser-known facts. The WordPress Foundation is a nonprofit organization that ensures WordPress's growth. It has taken steps to safeguard the name WordPress.

WordPress is supported by a large community of thousands of users, developers, and small companies. They all work together to ensure that WordPress is here to stay for the long haul.

WordPress benefits millions of people worldwide. It is available in over 53 languages and is the foundation for thousands of multilingual websites.

What kinds of websites can you build with WordPress?

WordPress was developed initially as a blogging platform. It has now evolved into a full-featured website builder tool, though, that you can use to create anything from a business website to an eCommerce store, a portfolio, and more. Of course, it still functions superbly as a blog! Or you might simply add a blog to a different kind of website. You could, for instance, set up both a blog and a website to showcase your work.

Here are some examples of the kinds of websites that you can build with WordPress:

Blog Business website Portfolio
E-Commerce store Online course Forum
Social network Membership site Knowledgebase
…lots more.

How does WordPress work?

WordPress can function in any way that you specify. Everything depends on your knowledge of coding, the WordPress theme you select, and the plugins you install. Depending on your preferences, you can add more or less functionality. The global wide web is your oyster with WordPress! ”

If you're not familiar with how WordPress works, envision it as an empty iPad. You can use your iPad as a book, a game console, a movie player, or a notepad depending on the apps you install.

WordPress, like the iPad, is a platform for hosting your content, website theme design, and plugins. Your WordPress website can be a variety of things, depending on the theme and plugins you choose to use, such as an e-commerce website, a company website, a forum, a membership portal, and more.

For instance, Shopify, one of the top e-commerce systems, has a cart abandonment solution (e.g. if a user leaves your site without buying and comes back later, then their goods will still be in the basket waiting for them). That makes logical, no? Well, the fact that you utilize Shopify is the sole reason this option is available.

You wouldn't be able to use the cart abandonment feature if you switched to another top all-purpose drag-and-drop website builder like Wix because Wix does not provide it on its platform.

However, WordPress allows you to add whatever functionality you desire. Your website can be transformed into a blog, an online store, or something completely else.

Wrap Up

When you fully utilize all WordPress has to offer, it can be an extremely powerful tool. It is by far the most flexible website builder available and can create almost any form of website you can think of. Whether it is a blog, a site to market your business, or an online store that sells things.

WordPress is ideal for anyone who requires a complex website or one with a lot of information. But only if you're not scared to invest the time and money necessary to have it set up and functioning correctly. If you're already using WordPress or are still deciding on a platform, we have the right choice. WPBlazer is a plugin that can help you save time and effort when it comes to WordPress management. This management tool can help you with everything from the first WordPress installation to backing up your entire site.

Saelvizhi. V grew up in Coimbatore city with a lot of time on her hands and a vivid imagination. A passion for writing began to take hold at 12 when her first poem was published in a popular magazine.

She began with poems and progressed to essays, articles, blogs, and other forms of writing. Then, she became a full-time writer.

Saelvizhi enjoys spending time with her friends and family and loves to explore different cuisines. She has made it her goal to one day hike to the pinnacle of Everest and become a mountaineer.

Karuna Singh

Greetings to everyone. I am Karuna Singh, I am a writer and blogger since 2018. I have written 250+ articles and generated targeted traffic. Through this blog blogEarns, I want to help many fellow bloggers at every stage of their blogging journey and create a passive income stream from their blog.

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